May 20, 2022

5 Areas to Spring Clean

We talk about spring when March hits, as if we talk about it often, it will arrive that much faster. The official first day of Spring was March 20. Know that because it’s my Dad’s birthday and my parents’ anniversary (well done on multitasking Dad. It means he doesn’t forget his anniversary).

And even though it may not feel like spring where you are (I’m looking at you Washington State), it is. So, this is a great time to do some deep dive cleaning, a.k.a. spring cleaning.

Usually, we consider our homes, offices, cars, our stuff when we think about spring cleaning. But have you ever thought about cleaning your mind, business systems, and foundational principles? After all, you’re a business owner, so it’s important to check in on what’s happening in those areas.

As we talked about at the beginning of the year, your success starts in your mind. If your mind is a hot mess, I’m here to tell you, so is your life. And it may only be affecting you subconsciously now. But soon enough, your messy mind will show up in direct overt ways.

So, for the rest of May, we’re talking about spring cleaning on a holistic level. Yes, your home and office. But also, your mind, systems, and principles. Because guess what I’m doing it too. So, I’m inviting you to go on this journey with me. I’m excited to see where you and your business will grow after we’ve done a deep cleaning of ourselves and our business.

Until next time ~
